554 Relay rejected for policy reasons.
发布时间:2013-12-31 14:47:06
错误代码 | 554 Relay rejected for policy reasons. |
形成原因 |
收件方退信:554 由于邮件中继的政策的进行拒收。
解决办法/流程 |
1 根据 554 报错,该退信原因将有可能是由于命中了收件方的反垃圾规则。
2 根据 Relay 分析,收件方服务器有可能不接受来自中继的邮件。即有可能发送方跟收件方曾经在相同的服务器上存在域名信息导致同域认证的问题,需要联系收件方服务器进行彻底删除;或者收件方服务器认为发件方的邮件经过转发,需要您检查本地的SMTP服务器的设置以及尝试通过web邮箱进行发送。
3 真是的拒收原因由于退信没有告知,建议将退信通过其他方式提交给收件方服务器管理员进行处理。
上一篇:550 Mailbox unavailable or access denied
下一篇:SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 sorry, message permanently denied by XF local policy (#5.5.0)
- 554 5.7.1 The file RQ19051 (Greencare Team) Jul.6th.xls has been infected with the virus X97M/Manalo.A File quarantined as .2013-12-31
- 554 Virus content detected,Your mailbox found the virus,pleasere-sent after killing virus.2013-12-31
- SMTP error, DOT: 550 An address in this message is listed on inv-uri.rbl.spamrl.com. Please organise removal and retry.2013-12-31
- jenniferc@danicaimports.com SMTP error, RCPT TO: 550 5.7.1 Your email messages have been blocked by the recipient OR by Trend Micro Email Reputation Service.2013-12-31
- SMTP error, DOT: 551 virus infected mail rejected2013-12-31
- SMTP error, DOT: 550-Your e-mail contains banned text (Market.com) www.AboutIT.co.za 550 (support@mics.co.za / +27 12 460 1000).2013-12-31
- 552 MS-Office file containing VBA macros found inside of the email.2013-12-31
- 500 syntax error - invalid character ALL 500 syntax error - line too long ALL 500 syntax error - command unrecognized2013-12-31